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Webinar Round-up: A Beginners Guide to Data Management

Updated: Feb 11, 2023

On Thursday 2nd February 2023, we held our first ever Smart Ports Alliance webinar. As if that wasn't a big enough milestone, we also took the opportunity to launch The Smart Ports Alliance Data Academy.

For those who missed it, the webinar is available to watch on replay here until 17th February 2023. After that, it will be available on the new Smart Ports Alliance YouTube channel.

Here's what you missed...

Rosy Staines, Head of Engagement at Maritime Digital Hub and Smart Ports Alliance kicked things off for us, before inviting SPA founder Kevin Martin to take a break from his behind the scenes director duties and come on screen to introduce Smart Ports Alliance and share more detail about the ambitions for the Data Academy.

Kevin interviewed our special guest, Caroline Levey (Managing Director, Oceanwise Ltd) a few weeks prior to the webinar. They explored a range of interesting topics including what Data Management is, why it is important for your business, how you can tell if your organisation is good at data management, and the challenges of implementing in large and small organisations. They finished up by looking at the potential pitfalls, and Caroline shared some great first steps that any organisation could take to get started.

Download the "Fab Four" - These key takeaways from Caroline's interview and the Deep Dive with Rosy will get you thinking about your organisational Data Management


After the interview, in what might be an industry first(?), Caroline ran the gauntlet as we welcomed guests onto the screen to pose their questions. For those who didn't want to join us, they were still able to ask questions through the live chat that was running all the way through the event.

Kevin came back on screen to close out the event and also quickly mention the next exciting Smart Ports Alliance initiative (keep an eye on our Socials for that).

We'd like to extend a huge thanks to Caroline and Katie at Oceanwise Ltd for working with us to bring the first of many events to fruition, to all those who signed up and chose to spend their time with us, and to those attendees who submitted questions (especially the ones who were brave enough to join us on screen).

You can find more Oceanwise "Top Tips" for getting started with Data Management here.

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